Wednesday, November 13, 2013


This is my Papa in front of my Grandfather's Speak Easy.....aka cover Barbershop on Walnut in downtown KC. Yes, it was a sign of the times.....interesting albeit a bit vague, Papa shared enough to fit the pieces together, and did elaborate on his experiences as a child. His childhood wasn't the best, they traveled from city to city racing greyhounds on the circuit. I had Grandpa's bookie THAT was an interesting piece of literature.

Gambling.....well, it can be an activity illegal or otherwise, and can be part of life. You take risks and gamble everyday even if you do not recognize it. Moving on with your life is a gamble, and some days is overwhelming or exhilarating depending on the circumstance. Embarking upon paths unknown takes courage, and I commend those that embrace it. I am like one of those scared children entering Kindergarten on the first day.....some rush in with vigor and vim, and some hang on to the parent's leg refusing to let go.

Maybe it is confusion on exactly "which" path to take, I do not have a lot of confidence in my choices, as I have been known to not choose wisely. So for today, I depend on myself to choose wisely. It's there in all of us, we just have to recognize it. Take a gamble, sometimes you win, other times you lose. There is no right or wrong, just lessons in this life.

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