Monday, March 3, 2014

Fools Rush IN..

Hummmmm...."Fools Rush In" ....
I have had to do a lot of soul searching lately. I do not consider myself in a tight relationship anymore due to being turned off by lack of courage and commitment . When a relationship is good as it gets, and is constantly being reduced to rubble, it's time to take personal inventory. 

Maybe "I" am the problem...or maybe not. I want the relationship from the "Notebook"....because that is what I had for a time in my marriage with my late husband. So maybe I will have to be satisfied with that. I guess I would rather have a few years of "Special", than a lifetime of mundane and second guessing.

Do I rush in? Most likely.....I live that way, I learn through those experiences. If a relationship is awesome...then go with it. If feelings are not on equal ground....then it's a no win. Best to move on in those circumstances because it just isn't going to work. 

Beware of a partner that takes no responsibility for failed relationships....truth be known it takes two. Of course most all of us know this already. A crack forms due to fallout from mistakes made, and never truly reconciled. It takes a lot of communication, and if your current partner refuses to hear you, or huffs and puffs at the thought of discussing a concern you have, then is the time to take inventory. Even if it is your own. Make a pro/con list and be honest. Take a good look at your's tough but you owe it to yourself to do it.

The best advice I have gotten lately has been to look within. What makes YOU happy....what do YOU want out of life? When YOU are courageous enough to cease to rely on others for your happiness, and actually fulfill YOUR life the answers come. 

I don't have time for it all. My plate is so full, and I am so busy. And again the worst type of loneliness is being in a relationship that makes one feel lonely. 
#relationships, #life, #Love

1 comment:

  1. Beverley Evans
    2:16 AM

    Insightful and well written as always :) you always manage to hit the nail on the head. The Notebook makes me sob ;) No one is perfect... you just have to find one thats worth it
