Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Best Outcome.....Strong women

the 3 most influential women in my life

I have been raised by a strong woman, one that never held back her opinions. One that thought out her opinions and had facts as backing. She at 92 years of age still speaks out on diversity, women's rights, gay rights, and politics. She voices her opinions with that calm exterior that captivates anyone listening. She has nothing to prove, and holds on to her belief system with resolve. I am a very lucky woman, at this time of my life to be able to phone her, and discuss such issues. She always seems to be able to put sense to my confusion. 

Now this leads to the photo, I can look at these young women, and see all I have missed in my life. Their strong resolve, never giving up, their love of whom they are, and strength to tell others to "fuck off". Which my girl to the right did a couple weeks ago while lifting in the gym as he was being taunted by a fellow classmate. Along with their grit, comes the sense of self, and nobody runs over them. They have the ability to be leaders, and do so in their job, school and sports. They do not cater to a patriarchal society world view, but their own view and how it pertains to them. No male dominance here....ever. And this makes me so very happy...they live for themselves.

I was told women compete.....but the truth is I am so very lucky to have such dear friends and family that empower each other....not compete with each other. Our relationships are first and foremost, our lifting each other up when life strikes a blow. We compete over nothing, and empower everything.

We get up, overcome and forge ahead. I wish I would have listened  30 years ago, life would have been much easier. But I can derive joy from the examples of the women in my life. I am surrounded by incredible women, strong and intelligent. Needing no one when push comes to shove....they rely on their inner self. They know no limits, speak their mind, and seem to have inherited the gene from the matriarch noted above and lucky enough to have such a person in their life.

 So kudos to those women that know no limits, and push the envelope when told otherwise. They are winners, leaders, and deserve recognition. If you have such a person in your life....tell them "thank you" from the bottom of your heart. Society has crushed and warped the value of many young women. Some from political parties are still stuck in patriarchal ideology, and to those we can say "fuck off."   

Stay strong ladies.....what does this have to do with online dating? Everything!