Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Out with the Old

Ridding my storage room of the past

Much has happened since April when I published my last blog. I had the three year anniversary of my late husband's diagnosis, had worked through some tough emotions, and have somehow found peace. I have dropped the "Misadventures of Online Dating" from the title of this blog. I haven't dated anyone else in a year, and have found my soul mate. We had many ups and downs, trying to figure out the course we chose to take either alone or as partners. Both of us had gone through some of life's most difficult challenges, situations that I would wish on no one. I was going through redefinition, a journey that required a good hard look in the mirror. I had a lot of regrets, a lot of "would have, should have, could have." I read many books and articles designed to help those of us suddenly alone. I had to do a lot of soul searching, face my decisions of the past. What I learned was simple: there is no going back. We do not possess the power of turning back time, and we are human. Flawed and gifted, we all have the ability to move on, or remain in the past. I think the time comes when one has exhausted all analysis of the past, and then those fears and regrets simply become extinct.

My youngest moved out and went to college and shares his life with a wonderful young woman I adore, my middle son found a wonderful job and is currently looking for a home of his own. My oldest son and daughter bought an incredible new home and my Grands are excelling in school and sports. It's been exciting to watch them grow and become successful with their lives.

So many changes come with emotion and some uneasy feelings of anticipation. We simply have to move on and rejoice with the fact how very lucky we are. I will share with you a post oddly enough I picked up on Facebook. How very true and exactly where I am just now.