Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nifty Over Fifty...Misadventures of Online Dating: Long time passing

Nifty Over Fifty...Misadventures of Online Dating: Long time passing: My wedding Anniversary was Sept. 7th.....the climate of the day pretty dismal. So, the best thing to do is to get to work. I found a hug...

Long time passing

My wedding Anniversary was Sept. 7th.....the climate of the day pretty dismal. So, the best thing to do is to get to work. I found a huge firepit, got 60 pavers, sand, and a few other things to spend the day constructing. Now, those that know me well will tell you I am about the most inept person in the world when it comes to construction, but somehow it all came together after twelve hours in 96 degree heat. Yes, I was determined to have a fire and a glass of wine by sundown. I started to wear my wedding ring on my right hand, a sense of security I guess, as the days have become those of reflection and the loss being realized. A life wasted? I am not certain this is the case, however there is one piece of advice I can give. Never, Never take your life for granted. Live, Love, and Laugh may sound cliche...but it works.

Moving on is so very tough, I started back to school....not sure that was such a good idea, but IF I can hang in there will be much accomplished. I have had  too many lost opportunities due to my complacency, and I can right any of those wrongs I at least will have to try.

The rescue is still plugging along, we do what we can and and go from there. I have a very exasperating foster...he is one of the toughest nuts to crack I believe I have ever had. There is a method to the madness however, and to the untrained eye those ideals are a foreign way of going about things. My own dogs are delightful, the four of them romping....Baldwin being chased by the girls, hunted and pointed actually which cracks me up. Poor boy....

I haven't been dating much and it for the best actually, It's not that I am not ready but in a relationship trial. What exactly is a relationship trial???? Well, not sure how to explain, but a solid friendship going somewhere, nowhere....time will tell. A wonderful person, none why do I feel the way I do?
I do know I have been having a couple of dark days. Whether or not they will subside I guess is up to me. I have wonderful friends...but there comes a time one must stand on ones own two feet, pull up the the big girl drawers and forge ahead. I never dreamed I would be in this position, nor do I wish it on anyone. I am an exhausting personality, I tend to obsess over such things as bills....and am seen I think at times as a true weakling. Or at least this is how I see myself......

Firepit...not too shabby for a beginner

So life goes on, and as I try to get myself out of the funk of the day, know my next blog will be much more positive, or at least one can hope right...cause in the end that's all we got.