Monday, July 1, 2013

Getting Side Tracked

Wanted to start my Monday morning with a blog entry. When examining current events of late, I came up with the problem with getting side tracked through self exploration.

When trying on new roles in life, one can become distracted. Trying to mold everything back together has been a bit of a task I did not anticipate. I found myself in the thralls of depression, facing my limitations as a single mom, and taking on the day to day tasks of running a household. Going solo is something I never anticipated long term, and struggling to find that safety net became all consuming. 
In walked a few good friends...

Lucky is when you have incredible people with wisdom in your life. Those that see you drowning and throw you a line. Friends are exactly what I have been blessed with. Surrounding yourself with level headed supportive individuals, those that answer the phone day and night. They truly care, and I often ask myself what if anything did I do to deserve their friendship. 

I am an exhausting person.....have become scattered in my day to day. Yet those that have stood by me have been ever patient and kind. Most would run the other way, as my character flaws have been at an all time high...yet they stay, understand and calmly give perspective. Those that have known me for years know my strengths, and also assure me I will somehow become that Steel Magnolia once again. I have had many lessons in life, and wouldn't trade one circumstance whether good or bad for the world. Those experiences formed who I am, and those strengths are still there.... just being sent into the dark recesses of my being for a time. It's work to overcome and redefine...and I have crawled under a very heavy stone waiting for all of the new and uncomfortable feelings to simply go away, Now, I am peeking out from under the stone which once weighed a ton, to it being feather like. Today I am coming out of my corner of the ring in life swinging. I am indeed a survivor......

Attending the tasks at hand, running the rescue as I should....doing all the day to day seem simple.  Why I woke up with this mindset is due to a "few Good Friends..." This blog is intended as a huge "Thank you" to them. They know who they are.

I was described by my 17 year old as a "funny little woman..." This made me laugh and I find it very endearing. He has pointed out my changes and too lent perspective into my all consuming quest for normalcy. Facing the changes head on is what I am good at....taking a long look in the mirror and making changes in the process also something I am fully capable of. As Erikson pointed out in his theory of lifespan development, each decade has a mission. We grow and change throughout our lifespan. Some say they are set in their ways, this is simply not true nor is it possible. They are comfortable....and become stagnated. I had that choice, but am choosing to examine changes, slow down my hyper self. Think more methodically....thank you Ernie for that. As you have probably figured out, you are but one of the "Few Good Friends...."


  1. " We grow and change throughout our lifespan. "

    And some change with grace and courage ... like you!

  2. My greatest life change has been calming down, or as the kids say "being chill". It has taken me a lifetime. I was well into "angry young women" when I was a teen. It is a marvelous journey which I enjoy every day.

    Well said, Mary!

  3. Awwww. Love to you both. Everything is starting to gel once again. Feels so good!
